http://www.ourstory.info/3/FF/c/Perouse.htmlMaurice Pérouse
The FrenchWho's Who of 1984 gives this sketch of Maurice Pérouse:
PéROUSE (Maurice), General Inspector of Finances (E.R.), bank president. Born March 24, 1914 in Saint Rambert (Rhône). Son of Jean Pérouse, civil mining engineer, and his wife, née Juliette Bonnetain. Married on May 23, 1951 to Mlle Monique de Fougères (4 children: Denis, Christian, Olivier, Anne). Studies: Day student at Saint-Joseph and Lycée du Parc in Lyon. Diploma. : engineering degrees from the Ecole centrale des arts et manufactures. Master of Science du Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA). Career : Assistant in the office of General Inspection of Finances (1945), Service chief of monetary operations in the Sarre (1947), Finance Inspector (1947). Chargé de mission in the head office of external finance(1948). Professor at the Ecole nationale d'administration (1950-1953). Undersecretary at the Ministry of Finance (1951-1953). Financial Attaché at the French Embassy in Washington (1953-1957). Administrator of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (1956-1957). Secrétary general of the Monetary Committee for the Free Zone (1957-1960). Technical counselor in the cabinet of Michel Debré (Prime Minister) (Jan 1959-Feb 1960). Secretary of the Treasury in the Ministry of Finance (1960-1967). President of the Committee on Conjunctural Policy for the Common Market (1963-1967). General Inspector of Finances (1967). CEO of the Caisse des dépôts et consignations (1967-1981). Retirement from active service accepted (1982). Censor for the Crédit national. Board member for the national company Air France (since 1964), for the Crédit foncier de France and for the Compagnie internationale des wagons lits et du tourisme (since 1968). On the board of the European Investment Bank.Treasurer of the Fondation de France (since 1968). President of the Fondation scientifique de Lyon et du sud-est (since 1980). President of Barclay's Bank S.A. (since 1982), Treasurer of the Franco-American Foundation (since 1982). Awarded: Commandeur of the Legion of Honor, Officier de l'ordre national de Mérite. Croix de guerre 39-45. Commandeur des Arts et des Lettres. Member of the Cercle de l'Opinion.